Summer Travel Concerns

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With travel booming this year, travelers naturally have a few concerns this summer. According to a recent study by InteleTravel, there are two concerns that travelers are the most worried about: higher travel prices (54%) and delayed or cancelled flights (48%).

Air travel is at an all-time high, giving most travelers “sticker shock.” And while many travelers are willing to spend the money now, prices aren’t sustainable for the average traveler, likely to result in fewer trips per household per year. Delayed and cancelled flights are also a concern, as many airlines are experiencing staffing shortages and even the occasional crew strikes. (Travel Pulse, 05.14.23)

Despite these concerns, travelers are not pausing their immediate summer plans. More than half of travelers indicated that they would travel more for leisure in the next six months if the experience is not much of a hassle, up 29% from the beginning of the year. Increased flight availability, direct flight options, travel discounts and loyalty programs are the top factors encouraging leisure travel over the next few months. (Travel Pulse, 05.22.23)

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