PGAV Destinations’ Voice of the Visitor: Guest Satisfaction


PGAV Destinations’ publication, Satisfaction, is the third installment of their annual report Voice of the Visitor, conducted in partnership with H2R Market Research.

Overall satisfaction scores in 2022 slipped relative to historical averages, down 0.06 points. Decreases were most prevalent for staff friendliness, feeling welcome and value for money. The quality of the food experience was the only metric to gain a little traction, up 0.06 points. According to the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, attraction visitors aren’t the only ones reporting lower satisfaction. Customer satisfaction in the U.S. is incredibly low and has dropped 5% since 2018.

Additionally, the intent to recommend attractions also declined in 2022, following notable increases in 2021. Average net promoter scores increased from 41% in 2020 to 49% in 2021 but declined to 41% again in 2022. While we can assume the increase in 2021 can be attributed to the excitement surrounding being out of the house following the pandemic, why the notable decline this year? A survey by Bankrate revealed that 79% of travelers experienced some type of travel problem in 2022—high prices, long waits, and poor customer service among those problems. Travelers felt like they were paying more for less. Additionally, a variety of research shows that while expectations are soaring, customer service received is declining.

Voice of the Visitor research this year also found that the satisfaction gap between people of color and non-Hispanic white audiences widened relative to the historical average. While several reasons for this were provided, being treated differently and the lack of diversity among other customers creating a less comfortable environment were among the most prevalent. Another issue frequently raised was the content of some attractions not being culturally relevant, decreasing engagement and leading to lower satisfaction.

Read the full article here.

Read PGAV’s VOV 2023 here.

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PGAV Destinations’ Voice of the Visitor: Who’s Visiting?

PGAV Destinations’ Voice of the Visitor: Industry Performance

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