What Retail Should Learn From Themed Entertainment


Experiential shopping has been on the rise for quite some time, but current consumer demands are putting more pressure on retailers to look to hospitality and leisure industries for inspiration on how to deliver more entertaining shopping experiences. Advertising and retail experts need to focus on the purpose of physical shopping experiences, drawing inspiration that ensures meaningful and effective brand impact, engagement, and conversion, all from where the physical world intersects with the digital. After all, visitors need to be treated like guests and not just consumers.

Brands that want to stand out this year will do these 3 things:

  1. Borrow from the best. With the physical shopping experience rapidly changing, we are now seeing varied footprints and experiences, leaving a lot of room for innovation and ambitious approaches to what’s already been done.
  2. Embrace creativity. Avoid falling victim to “sameness” by embracing creativity and difference. Find new ways to get guests to inhabit a story and connect emotionally with the brand or magical land they are in.
  3. Doing it at scale with data. Many retailtainment pop-ups are only big hits in the short term, as they struggle to encourage repeat visits and purchases. Learning to use and adapt consumer data to survive in the long term is crucial.

(Blooloop, 01.16.24)

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