How Looser Restrictions Might Affect Theme Parks


Many theme parks across the country have begun rolling back their COVID-19 protections as more and more individuals become vaccinated. Most recently, it was Walt Disney World reducing is distancing rules.

However, how far is too far? Despite the protection brought about by the vaccine, Theme Park Insider editor Robert Niles urges attractions to not go back to pre-pandemic normals just yet. Here are his thoughts.

  1. Give some space. We may no longer need 6 feet in between parties, but many visitors don’t wish to go back to the typical shoulder-to-shoulder overcrowding found at most parks pre-pandemic.
  2. Cleaner is better. We now know that respiratory transmission is the real problem with COVID-19 and that shutting rides down every 30 minutes to clean is not necessary. However, continuing strict cleaning protocols can give guests a better peace of mind regarding the fight against all diseases and viruses.
  3. Masks can remain useful. Some people may choose to wear masks to theme parks, especially since the vaccine is not available to all ages yet.
  4. Employees deserve better care. Employees need to be encouraged to protect themselves and others by being allowed to stay home if sick without losing pay or status.

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