Travel Boom Begins Tapering Off

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The travel industry has heard a lot of terms and experienced a lot of fluctuations since the COVID-19 pandemic—from “new normal” to “unprecedented times” but now quite possibly “normalization.”

Several travel industries nationwide have reported a decline in the growth of travel year over year, with sales and bookings on par or below those of 2023, while on par or above those of 2019. And while travel tends to slow down during election years and times of high inflation, travel experts from numerous respected organizations think that the industry is simply normalizing. As U.S. Travel’s CEO Geoff Freeman puts it, “We’ve been a bit drunk on leisure travel as an industry, and every good party comes to an end.”

While demand for travel isn’t at the peak it achieved in 2023, the future still looks bright, and the demand for travel is still high.

(Travel Weekly, 07.29.24)

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